Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Foolish Loyalty

     Traditionally, in our society, there is much praise to children who achieve "high honors" within the public and private education system. These honors are acknowledged due to perfect attendance, and commonly, achieving "straight A's" for their academic records.
     The scenario hosts a theme of positive reinforcement. I won't deny that there is punishment for not walking the line in the system. However, what does it really say about parents, the system and MOST importantly the student, when DOING AS YOU'RE TOLD, and NOT THINKING FOR YOURSELF are considered a great way learning, let alone advancing intelligence, NOT TO MENTION---being an actual productive human.
     It's stunning to me, and I have written on the topic of the education system before, that no parents, or at least very few aren't outraged by the format at which their children are expected to learn and develop academically. Of course, upon further investigation and contemplation I realize that, "of course no one questions it, they never needed to think for themselves and actually were expected not to as that was a crime punishable various ways within this absurd system of brainwashing, mind-numbing, and CONTROL.
     I have no argument for a parent be proud of their child, if they weren't I would find it strange. I don't understand where the glamour lay in one's child being submissive and obedient to a state who if hasn't begun to yet, will abuse and take advantage of the moment that child becomes adult(of course the state has also figured that out, you see, they know the moment when a child becomes adult and is fully capable of making "good" choices and is responsible for their decisions). I digress. I've been witness to "teachers"(glorified daycare) expressing frustration due to a student asking too many questions! In my opinion, THIS should be rewarded and encouraged. But once again, the cycle continues, the same teachers who taught the present teachers expressed the same angst towards them, I'll refer to a familiar phrase, "the blind leading the blind".
     So we have a situation now where, the teachers are encouraging silent submission, and blind obedience as well as the parents. If the children are the future, I would like to encourage and witness students who are considered troublemakers, receive praise for their defiance. I don't think the kids are troubled, maybe confused.....actually yes! very confused, and I'm with them. I'll speak for them(since the state has decided they can't speak for themselves yet), I'm confused at why I  am expected to not ask questions about topics that actually interest me. Why do I need to learn something that bore's me to tears, and creates me to be distracted? not because I'm "stupid", but because I'm bored because MAYBE YOU'RE THE ONES THAT NEED TO CATCH UP TO MY LEVEL OF THOUGHT. Did you ever think that maybe I'm bored because I've already acquired the skills to breeze through your lackluster lesson, you're going to fail me, and punish me......because YOU can't recognize advanced're too fucking stupid to.
     Because of your ignorance, you will put me in a position, after I finish your games, where I have limited options because either I don't have a diploma, or only have a diploma. The whole time whilst in your system I was punished because you couldn't keep up with me, and now I'll be the one who has to take the harder road through life, because I didn't follow your rules, I guess I forgot your lack of thought and mind has cursed you to a life of ignorance and you'll forever within this lifetime experience a mental block of original thought, because THE ONLY THING YOU EVER REALLY LEARNED WAS OBEDIENCE AND BLIND SUBMISSION- AND THIS IS HOW THEY SHUT THE DOOR ON ALL PATHS OF REAL INTELLIGENCE AND PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF ACTUAL THOUGHT WHICH LEAD TO FREEDOM- THEIR #1 ENEMY!
     If you're a parent, I understand that you want the best for your child, and also encourage celebrating their life. But I would like for you to question what good is really being done when your child is praised for being "good" student, remember: good intentions don't always end with good results.
     An appropriate phrase I learned in the recent past, was said to me from a very good friend of mine, and he learned it from a mutual friend of ours. I would like to share it with you, as I believe it to be EXTREMELY appropriate for this topic and discussion:


Combat Control!

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